From Ashes to New Galopp Cup erik
2014.03.18. 15:28

I Will Show You
1.Prayer for Relief
2.Captain America
3.Cavalry Rose
4.Gift of North
5.Fire Onix
Stay This Way
1.Cavalry Over
2.Elegante y Acertado
3.Crime Intense
5.Narcotic Vision
Destruction of Myself
1.My Miss Aurelia
2.Rush Now
3.Wicked Friday
4.Eclipse of Tate
5.Eclipse Lunair
Live Again
1.Secret Palace
2.Say Goodbye
3.Drunken Pirate
4.Born to be Bad
5.The Prodigy
Abszolút Győztes: *kiemelve
Absolute winner of the From Ashes to New Galopp Cup
(+ első helyezett nyereménye)
Első hely:
1st Horse of the From Ashes to New Galopp Cup
+ 200.000Ft
Második hely:
2nd Horse of the From Ashes to New Galopp Cup
+ 150.000Ft
Harmadik hely:
3rd Horse of the From Ashes to New Galopp Cup
+ 100.000Ft
Negyedik hely:
4th Horse of the From Ashes to New Galopp Cup
+ 50.000Ft
Személyes kedvenc: *dőlt betűvel kiemelve
Cassie's favorite